Devices and Services Insomnia Collection
We have developed an example set of GraphQL queries and mutations in a collection that you can import directly into insomnia to get started. You will still need to install the authentication plug-in here and create your access keys in your account before getting started.
Application Types
Application types are service type definitions which are used as parameters for Get Devices By An Attribute and in services. In the case of services only the ID is returned so you will reference this response.
Response Example
Attributes | Data Type | Description |
id | Int | The primary key of the application type used in queries such as Get Devices By An Attribute |
name | String | The given short name for an application type. This is unique |
description | String | Further explanation of the application type |
port | Int | The default port for the application type. This can be overridden on a service by service basis |
protocol | String | The protocol used when creating a connection to this application type |
proxy | Boolean | Whether the application type will use a reverse proxy when creating a proxy connection. |
Get Your Devices
In this example we will be fetching your devices using graphQL. If you wish to get devices which meet a certain criteria like inactive devices, use the Attribute Query. Devices uses pagination for the result set. Please refer to the pagination explanation for more on working with these results.
This example only shows some of the variables and available attributes for the device and service collections.
Response Example
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
size | Int | max is 1000 |
from | Int | Index of result set to start return. 0 based. |
after | String | Device ID to use to start the return list after (used in pagination) |
name | String | Filters the devices based on the string passed in (not case sensitive) Can be partial string. |
application | Array of Int | Array of Application IDs. Will return only devices that have matching application type in its list of of services |
hardwareId | String | Filter to return devices which have matching hardware ID. Can be a partial string |
id | String | Device ID filter |
platform | Array of Int | Array of Platform Type IDs. (See graphQL examples for query for Platform Types |
state | String | Default is both active and inactive. Values can be "active" or "inactive" |
tag | Array of Strings | Array of tag names used on devices. |
owner | Boolean | true to return only owned devices. false to return only devices shared to this account (not organization devices). Default is to return both. |
sort | String | attributes: name, created, id, lastReported, owner, platform, state. For ascending, use only the attribute name. For descending order, prepend the attribute name with "-". For example: sort: "-name" |
Get Devices By An Attribute
In this example we will be fetching all devices with "tim" in the name using graphQL. This will return all devices with "tim" in the name and is not case sensitive. You can use any number of combinations of available attributes to narrow your result set further.
Other available parameters available:
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
application | Int | ID of the application type (service type). Using this parameter will return devices which have services of a given type and if the services are returned in the query will only include the services of this type. For example, if you request an application type id which is mapped to SSH and include the services, only services of type of SSH will be returned in the services array even when there are other services defined on the device. To get available service types, please see Application Types |
hardwareid | String | The hardware ID associated with the device. |
name | String | String which is present in the name of the device and is not case sensitive. |
platform | [Int] | Array of platform IDs |
state | String | accepted values "active" and "inactive" |
Additional attributes will become available over time. Please refer to the schema documentation for the extensive list.
This example only shows some of the variables and available attributes for the device and service collections.
Once you get the results, if the hasMore response returns true you know to do another fetch and in this case the from will increment to 1001 to fetch the next set, you could also determine this by iteration until you get to the total. Size is limited to 1000 max in each return.
Response Example
Update a Device/Service Name
Only the owner of the device or an admin on the organization owning the device can update the name of the device or service.
Parameters | Data Type | Description |
serviceId | String | This is the device Id or service Id that will be updated |
name | String | The new name of the device or service |
Query Response
Update a Device or Service
Only the owner of the device or an admin on the organization owning the device can update a device.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
serviceId | String! | Required - The device Id or service Id that will be updated |
refresh | Boolean! | Boolean to send the updates to the device. This should be true to push the updated configuration to the device. |
enabled | Boolean | Configuration for the remoteit daemon on a service. It must be true to enable connections and online/offline state. Can be set to false if you would like to disable the service to reduce network ping traffic. |
application | Int | ID of the application type (service type). Using this parameter will return devices which have services of a given type and if the services are returned in the query will only include the services of this type. For example, if you request an application type id which is mapped to SSH and include the services, only services of type of SSH will be returned in the services array even when there are other services defined on the device. To get available service types, please see Application Types |
name | String | The name of the device or service |
host | String | Default is (localhost) if the service runs locally on the device, if null it is treated like localhost. OR The local network IP address or fully qualified domain name to configure this as a jump service to a system on your local network. |
port | String | The port for this service on the device. (Leave null for the Device) For example, SSH is 22 unless configured differently on your device |
Query Response
Delete Device
Only the owner of the device or an admin on the organization owning the device can delete a device. Devices can only be deleted when the state is inactive
Query Response
Remove a Service
Only the owner of the device or an admin on the organization owning the device can remove a service from a device.
Services will be removed even if active and in use
Query Response
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