🅱️Device Scripting

This is a Beta version of the scripting API which is subject to change. If you have feedback on the API while in Beta, please provide detailed reports to support@remote.it.


Scripting is a feature that allows you to run a script unattended (written in any interpreted language you have installed on your Operating System) on any number of devices with a Linux or Windows based operating system.

This is useful when you have a repetitive action that you would like to perform on one or more devices.

Creating Scripts

Remote.It allows you to write scripts in any language your host operating system supports because the script is run just like any other executable script on your machine. This means you can write in bash, Python, Ruby, Node, etc., assuming you have the interpreter installed on your system. Scripts are executed as root. Example scripts can be found at our github repository https://github.com/remoteit/code_samples

You can upload files to be run as script or files to be used by your scripts. Setting the executable flag will determine if the file can be run as a script. Scripts can have arguments which you can pass.

You must be the account owner or if you belong to an organization, an admin on the account to upload a file.

Files must be able to be uploaded in 30 seconds. If you need to have larger files, consider hosting at another location such as S3 and having your script fetch them.

API documentation

Last updated