Registration with Pre-configured Services

This method of device setup allows for manufacturing or mass setup of devices which have the same platform and OS distribution. This can support either complete image writes or a simple install of and the addition of registration file placed in a specific directory. Either method will result in the following when the device boots and connects to the internet for the first time:

  • The device will be registered to the same account

  • The device will be configured with the same services which were defined

This method is supported for any platforms which can install the Device Package and only supports the device to be used as connection endpoints and not as an initiator of connections.


Using a device which will be used in your production line, install the device package and test the setup of the device including services and connections before creating master device or image with the bellow procedure. This is merely to test that the installation and functionality of are as desired.

1. Define Your Device Service Configuration (Product)

Go to and click "Create Product"

Enter a name that you will recognize for this device definition, select an appropriate platform for the device, and select "Private" for Product Scope.

Once created, it will appear in the list of products. Click the gear icon to add the service configuration.

Add the services you want to have on these devices (make sure to select the "Check to enable Service to start by default" to allow the service to be started otherwise you will need to do it manually via terminal access to the device)

Once you have added all of the services, click the checkbox for "Check to lock product and create provisioning files" to get your registration code.

If you need to add a service after locking the product, those services will be disabled by default. Therefore it is recommended that you create a new product for new devices. Previous devices will need to have the services added manually via the Desktop Application and cannot be altered via the product definition.

2. Retrieve the Bulk Identification Code

Click on the "i" icon next to the gear icon to display the Bulk Identification Code.

Copy this code which will be used in the step 4.

3. Install package on your device with empty "registration" file

Download the compatible package for your device from the Device Package.

Create a file in /etc/remoteit called "registration" (no extension) with nothing in it before installing the package. This is essential in case the device is turned on with internet connection to prevent the device from registering with prematurely. And please make sure no other files in /etc/remoteit when installing the package.

sudo mkdir -p /etc/remoteit
sudo touch /etc/remoteit/registration 

Install the package onto your device. (Please update the Remote.It package name and version as applicable)

sudo apt install ./remoteit-4.14.1.armhf.rpi.deb

4. Set the Bulk Identification Code

Write the Bulk Identification Code you retrieved in step 2 to a "registration" file.

echo YOUR-BULK-IDENTIFICATION-CODE | sudo tee /etc/remoteit/registration

5. Start production

Before creating your image, make sure to remove the device identifier from your master to start production. It is /etc/remoteit/config.json. This file cannot be present on your master image.

You are now ready to use this device as an image for the rest of your devices. For example, on a Raspberry Pi you can copy the SD card and insert it into another Raspberry Pi.

When these devices are booted with connection to the internet, they will automatically be registered into the account which created the product definition with the defined services enabled.

Workflows for Updating State and Other Attributes

Sometimes you want to have processes on your backend know about your devices and services. Things like state and potentially update device name or other meta data. In these cases, you can combine this registration flow with webhooks and using our GraphQL API.

It is not recommended to put your access key and secrets on your edge devices since this can be problematic if you need to rotate keys. Instead have your backend system make the API requests.

See the below diagram

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